понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

LOVEFIELD - // filminute

LOVEFIELD - // filminute This film about mistakes of first impression.And his nomination "The best edifying film".

Follow your dreams!

We each have their own dreams and duties. But often we have a choice: to follow his dream or go with the stream. It's really difficult choices,so people usually can't decided anything, and just continue to live without any changes. In my opinion,it's so important follow his dream,cuz thanks to a dream,we can achieve what we previously seemed unreal.Dreams can discover for us a new heights. But there is another view,that it is a waste of time and at first and foremost,each of us must perform their own duties. You need to have the courage that give his life for a dream.And in any case, it is just the choice of each.And I always will admire people who embody their dreams into reality!

воскресенье, 16 июня 2013 г.

Short story

Once Kate sat and listening to her favorite radio when suddenly she heard in the music of strange voices.She was scared and didnt understand what was happening, but still recognize these voices.It was the voice of her dead parents who died in a car accident more than six months ago. On the next day, when she went to work,the thought of it gave her no peace.She decided that it was her dead parents who found a link to it on the radio wave.When she came home, she quickly turned on the radio and listened to every word broadcaster, but still didnt heard she fell a sleep.Night she was awakened by a strange hissing sound that could be heard from the speakers.In finally she heard the voice of her parents, and even tried to talk to them..but nothing happened. Kate called her best friend Alice who worked in the repair of household appliances.After hearing about what is happening, Alice immediately rushed to Caitlin and took the radio that to discover what happens. Alice worked with the Kate's radio all day,and finally she realized that the voice coming from the speakers was just the old record of coset which was already half a year in the radio.

My art

I drew it on a computer with a pen tablet.My pictures don't carry special meaning, I just love to make rubbings of cartoon characters. And here are some of them But one of them carries the meaning. Black-and-white image of the eye, for me this painting expresses the depth of man. I believe that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In them we can see not only mood but and learn a little about man's character and even intentions!

James Cameron

1) He was a curious and strange,and I think he wasnt popular in school.I could be his friend, uz I really like a strange people 2) Its time of discovers and big progress of science.I think it was great time for his sci-fi dreams,and our time its time progress of hi-tech,in other words century of internet 3) Diving was a way that see something unknown,and drawing progressed his creative 4) I havent seen this movies, but I think its really unusual 5) He said that he really like to explore.I prefer Titanic cuz its really dramatic story,and Im a girl)) 6) Respect your team and Dont limit yourself.I absolutely agree

понедельник, 3 июня 2013 г.


In 1863, Manet shocked the French public by exhibiting his Déjeuner sur l'herbe ("Luncheon on the Grass"). It is not a realist painting in the social or political sense of Daumier, but it is a statement in favor of the artist's individual freedom. The shock value of a nude woman casually lunching with two fully dressed men, which was an affront to the propriety of the time, was accentuated by the familiarity of the figures. Manet's wife, Suzanne Leenhoff, and his favorite model, Victorine Meurent, both posed for the nude woman, who has Meurent's face, but Leenhoff's plumper body. Her body is starkly lit and she stares directly at the viewer. The two men are Manet's brother Gustave Manet and his future brother-in-law, Ferdinand Leenhoff.They are dressed like young dandies. The men seem to be engaged in conversation, ignoring the woman. In front of them, the woman's clothes, a basket of fruit, and a round loaf of bread are displayed, as in a still life. In the background a lightly clad woman bathes in a stream. Too large in comparison with the figures in the foreground, she seems to float above them. The roughly painted background lacks depth – giving the viewer the impression that the scene is not taking place outdoors, but in a studio. This impression is reinforced by the use of broad "photographic" light, which casts almost no shadows: in fact, the lighting of the scene is inconsistent and unnatural. The man on the right wears a flat hat with a tassel, of a kind normally worn indoors. Despite the mundane subject, Manet deliberately chose a large canvas size, normally reserved for historical subjects. The style of the painting breaks with the academic traditions of the time. He did not try to hide the brush strokes: indeed, the painting looks unfinished in some parts of the scene. The nude is a far cry from the smooth, flawless figures of Cabanel or Ingres. I really like this picture for the following reasons: 1.It carries a hidden meaning 2.The work was done very nicely and elegantly 3.Tone pattern despite their dark color seem very bright And I hope you will enjoy this canvas!
Édouard Manet "The Luncheon on the Grass"

Madam Tussaud

Episode 1: 1)10 million 2)2,5 million Episode 2: 1)81 years old 2)Dr. Philip Curtius was an owner of the house where Tussaud's mother worked,She was a houskeeper 3)200 years old 4)17 years old, Volter was first models 5)Family of Louis XVIth was the first royal portrayed for the museum Episode 3: 1)Powerful stare 2)A metal framework 3)Paul McArtney's jacket 4)Model's clothes are donated 5)He said that it was fascinating and perfect Episode 4: 1)Famous people from the world of politics and royal dynasties 2)Making death masks of the victims of the guillotine 3)Chamber of horrors Episode 5: 1)35 2)1835 3)1884 5)Destroyed by fire Episode 6: 1)For making a relaxing atmosphere 2)Using stages Episode 7: 1)"The spirit of London" 2)Shakespeare,Members of the royal court,Characters from the books of C. Dickens

Family album

Once I'm coming home after my new aerobic class.I was so exhausted and said my husband Richard about it.But Richard said that its a lie.And we had a bet.That he goes to aerobic class and trying it.If I won and he will be tired,Richard would cook a dinner for our family, and if he I would cook it.Next day my husband do it,he is going to the aerobics centre.and when he came back he was really easily.I couldn't understand HOW?But next day I understand...Richard said me that he is hadn't exercises and he just took photo at the class.I was shocked when I heard it.And we decided to go to the class together.After exercises we was really exhausted.And we decied cook the dinner together!